How to cash out bank logs
Do you want to learn how to cash out bank logs?
Bank logs can be incredibly profitable if you know how to use them properly. The BlackHatMentor team knows this first hand. We have been spamming and cashing them out for years. Our knowledge is not limited to only US banks; our team has cashed out from major banks worldwide. Hence there is no better place on the internet to learn the trade.
What are bank logs?
When speaking about bank logs or simply logs, we refer to all login information related to a victim’s bank account. A few examples of login information that can be of practical use for us fraudsters are:
- usernames
- email addresses
- cookies
- passwords
- security questions
- 2FA/OTP codes
- fullz
Tools needed to log into bank logs online.
- Login credentials or cookies
HQ Socks5 proxies
- Fullz
As you can see, you don’t need a lot to get started. All the requirements are pretty easy to find. We will go over each of the individual tools and elaborate on them.
If you really want to empty your victim’s bank account, then you can’t cheap out on your tools. A burglar doesn’t enter his victim’s house with a crappy crowbar either, right?
You need high-quality socks5 proxies near your victim. Preferably same zip code or at least hometown.
So which proxies should I use to cash out bank logs?
In our experience, 911S5 proxies have proven to be the most reliable and highest quality available on the market. They are very affordable. Furthermore, their IP pool is 100% residential and private. Not to mention that they have IP addresses in every single town and zip code. This is essential when cashing out bank logs.
As mentioned before, we have been using them for years and can vouch for them to this day.
Our team has managed to buy private accounts from the 911S5 team in bulk, and we are selling them for less than the standard retail site. Check out our product here.

Login Credentials
Suppose you want to cash out bank logs and make some real money. In that case, you need to find the right contacts for logins along with the corresponding fullz and, preferably, the victim’s cookies for a really smooth process. When you have the victim’s cookies, the bank will be a lot less suspicious, and it will let you transfer money out more straightforward as well. Important to realize that every bank is different, and some banks are easier than others to cash out logs. Our favorite bank to cash out is Wells Fargo. Their security measures are minimal, and you can cash out more money in a shorter time than anywhere else.
If you are looking for fresh sniffed high balance Wells Fargo logs that come with cookies, complete fullz, and e-mail access, check out our shop here!
Now that you have the suitable proxies and the login credentials with the cookies of your victim go ahead and log in. Make sure you do not copy and paste the user : pass. Always type them with your hand.
You should be logged in now without any problems. If you did not log in successfully, you should have bought your account from us because that doesn’t happen to our logs.
Now that you are logged in, take your time to look around get familiar with this website. I wouldn’t recommend you empty the account right away. Take your time, drink your coffee in peace, and send your money away to your bank drop after a few minutes of being logged in.
I highly recommend using a US bank drop when you are cashing out a US bank account. Make sure you do not use the same bank as your victim that you are plundering. This buys you more time to empty your bank drop, preferably to cryptocurrencies.
If you do not have a high-quality bank drop yet, check out our bank drops. They are great for cashing out, and we can even get them registered under the same name as your victim ALONG WITH a cryptocurrency exchange account.