Do you want to learn how to generate track 1 and track 2 dumps?
Did you buy dumps, and the data you received isn’t complete? This guide will teach you to write your Track 1 and 2 data dumps to your blank cards. If you only received track 2 info, I will show you how to generate track 1. Equally important, I will show you how to generate track 1 info if you only have track 2.
What are tracks, and how do they work?
When we speak about tracks, we refer to the information stored on the magnetic strip of either a credit or a debit card.
Track 1
The first track contains the credit card number, the card holder’s name, and the card’s expiration date. If you wish to do so, you can change the name from the track to match your fake ID.
The format of track 1 is as follows:
Track 1: B4096654104697113^JOHN/DOE ^08061012735900521000000?
- START SENTINEL = 1 character, usually (%)
- FORMAT CODE = one character, financial card format code (B)
- PRIMARY ACCOUNT NUMBER (PAN) = usually the card number, but not always (4096654104697113)
- FIELD SEPARATOR = one character (^) is used in financial cards
- CARD NAME = contains 2 to 26 characters (JOHN/DOE)
- FIELD SEPARATOR = this symbol (^)
- VALIDITY DATE = in the format YYMM (0806)
- SERVICE CODE = three characters (101)
- DISCRETIONARY DATA = which may contain PIN VERIFICATION KEY (this is not an ATM PIN), card verification value, CVV (08061012735900521000000)
- END SENTINEL = 1 character, usually a question mark.
Track 2
The second track contains the credit card number combined with the expiration date. This is the most critical track out of your dump, and it’s the determining factor whether the POS machine or ATM will allow your payment to go through. As long as your track 2 is correct, you can be sure that you can spend the money freely without worrying about the card declining.
The track 2 data format looks like this:
361344212572004 = 0512052335136
- START SENTINEL = is 1 regular character (“;” )
- PRIMARY ACCOUNT NUMBER (PAN) = usually the card number, up to 19 digits long (361344212572004)
- FS = Field separator (=)
- ED = Expiry Date in the format YYMM (0806)
- SERVICE CODE = three-digit code (101)
- DISCRETIONAL DATA = which may contain PIN VERIFICATION KEY (this is not an ATM PIN), card verification value, CVV
- END SENTINEL = regular character (“?”)
Track 3
The third track is used for storing optional data. This includes, but is not limited to, airline rewards customer loyalty programs.
You don’t need to worry about the third track because the Point Of Sales (POS) machine will not read this data.
Service Codes
The service code is a three-digit code written on both track 1 and track 2.
Each of the 3 digits of the code has a meaning. By reading and analyzing the three digits, you can find out where and how to use the card. Do not skip over this step.
If the first digit is:
- 1: Card is for international spending
- 2: Card is for international spending but has a chip
- 5: Card is made for domestic usage
- 6: Card is made for domestic usage but has a chip
- 7: Card is not fit for international usage except for the bilateral agreement
- 9: Card is a dummy made for testing
If the second digit is:
- 0: Card does not carry any restrictions
- 2: Card issuer has to be contacted digitally
- 4: Card issuer has to be contacted digitally under the bilateral agreement
If the third digit is:
- 0: Card does not carry any restrictions, but the PIN is required
- 1: Card does not carry any restrictions
- 2: Card can be used exclusively at POS machines and not at an ATM
- 3: Card can be used exclusively at ATMs and not at POS machines
- 4: Card can be used exclusively at ATMs and not at POS machines
- 5: Card can be used exclusively at POS machines and not at an ATM. The PIN is always required.
- 6: Card does not carry any restrictions; PIN is required.
- 7: Card can be used exclusively at POS machines and not at an ATM. A PIN is always required.
With this information in mind, use your dumps to it’s fullest extent.
Now you should understand the basics of what tracks are and how they work. You can expand your knowledge on the subject and many other interesting fraud-related subjects on our forum. All our threads can be read as many times as you want, completely free of cost.
Are you looking to buy dumps with tracks 1 and 2 and pin? You can buy them here. Highly trusted, and they come with a 100% hitting guarantee!

How to generate track 1 from track 2
So you have track 2, but track 1 is missing. I will show you how to generate track 1 from track 2.
This is the information that we have coming from an actual dump.
- 488860313170607238 = 15051011203191805191 – Our track 2
- PATACSIL / DAVID – card holder
- Bank of America – card issuing bank
- USA – country of the card-issuing bank
- CREDIT – Credit or Debit (in our case CREDIT)
- PLATINUM – the card type, i.e., Classic, Gold, Platinum (in our case Platinum)
FYI: When you see an equal sign (=) on a track, it always means track 2.
When you see a “B” at the beginning of a track, it always means Track 1.
How to create track 1 from track 2:
We take our card number from track 2; in our case, it is:
- 4888603170607238
Add the ” B” at the beginning of the card number as follows:
- B4888603170607238
Then add the name of the holder you want to display, that is:
- B4888603170607238 ^ Doe / John ^ (Last Name / First Name)
Then we add the expiration date and the service code (expiration date in YYMM format so, 1505, in our case the three-digit service code is 101, (so we add 1505101) we get:
- B4888603170607238 ^ Doe / John ^ 1505101
The next step is to add ten zeros after the service code, so we get:
- B4888603170607238 ^ Doe / John ^ 15051010000000000
Now, add the remaining digits from our Track2 (after the service code), so we get:
- B4888603170607238 ^ Doe / John ^ 1505101000000000000001203191805191
Finally, add 6 more zeros, so we get:
- B488860313170607238 ^ Smith / John ^ 15051010000000000000000001203191805191000000
Congratulations! Your track 1 is ready.
Are you looking for 101 or 201 dumps that are absolutely complete and come with track 1, track 2, and PIN? Check out our shop here!